Who are we?

The priority of Phase 2 is to strengthen the skills of Shooters and transform the capacities for Firearms Instructors.

Donkor Minors is the Brand Ambassador/Lead Instructor of The Don Firearms in Boston, Massachusetts. He is a long time public school educator whose passion for firearms has led him into firearms instruction. Utilizing the fundamentals of transferring knowledge in the classroom into the range, Don now seeks to improve the proficiency of civilians in their conceal carry lifestyles as well as assist instructors with the skills needed to help teach the varying types of learners. It’s not what you know as an instructor, it’s about what you can make students confirm they can do repeatedly.

Caleb Wright is the Owner/Lead Instructor of T&S Solutions out of Columbia, Missouri. He has a competitive shooter/civilian background with a short period in Law Enforcement. He’s a Part Time Instructor and Full Time Student between teaching and actively seeking knowledge via courses and data analysis. His current teaching priorities are Basic Proficiency, Performance from Concealed Solutions 1/2, Carbine Skills, and Home Defense Basics.

TreVon Barber is the owner and lead instructor at Barber Training Solutions based in Rock Hill SC. His passion for firearms began in competition where he is currently 1 of 6 black Master/Grandmaster shooters in North America, placing him in the top 10% of shooters. TreVon now specializes in pistol instruction where he teaches the operation and manipulation of weapons from standard and non-conventional positions and how to do so under duress, at speed. Course offerings include 2 day competition, Pistol skills 1/2, Concealed Carry Skills, SC CWP, and others.

Devin “Smiley “ Guignard is The Owner of Parallel Defense, He is a Active USAF Combat Arms instructors. Smiley has been teaching since 2016. He teaches everything from the basic fundamentals of shooting to mentoring and teaching new instructors how to perfect the craft. Smiley has been to various LEO schools and civilian courses to continue to add to his craft and give the most accurate information he can. Current Offering: Fundamentals of handgun shooting, Defensive pistol 1/2, Fundamentals of Carbine shooting, and Defensive rifle 1/2 Instructor Development.

Jason “Chef” F. Co-Owner/ Co-Instructor of Broken Beacon. Broken Beacon is a Black-Veteran owned and operated lifestyle, apparel & training company; pushing for positive change in the gun community by bringing together forward-thinking industry partners in the 2A community. While providing up to date training, in-depth detail review on gear/kit utilizing new and creative means, measures & methods. Broken Beacon hopes to bridge the gap between tactical techniques, situational awareness mindset, and everyday practical combatives use. Former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with specialties of Bridging, vertical construction/fortification, CHEM RECCE, Mechanical, Explosive, Thermal, and Ballistic breaching certification with travel to several NATO partner nations in conjunction with training different techniques and methods. Now fully in the engineering field with Firearms training as secondary. “Reps Equal Results” and “Let’s cook up a plan of attack” Offering: Rifle Dynamics, Pistol 1/2, Advance Combat Medical Application and Stop the Bleed, Castle Dynamics (Home defense), Low light/No light kinetics.